

"Wanna go to this event with me," I texted my sister on Monday night. I got to bring a plus one to the VIP/Media night at the Tradesman's in Center City, Philadelphia. If she said "yes" or "no" I was going to go and eat some BBQ. She responded "I am there."

We called our car the night of and we were off. The whole atmosphere of this bar, restaurant, maybe dance club in the future(?) was awesome. The indsutrial piping lead to a unique experience. The images that were painted on the walls nicely complimented the other decor. It was the standard "look at this cool" feel. To be honest, I was here for it! I loved the lights, I loved the tables, and the whole feeling. The shirts that the staff wore were nicely and cleaned designed. However, their shirts had a pun on the back which I felt like it didn't really fit with everything else.  

I got my standard whiskey and coke. The bartender filled us in one everything. I asked what this drink was that I saw people holding. He told me it was a rum punch with a dry rub on the rim. He asked if I wanted one and it would be rude to say no. It was ok drinking it through a straw. When I took the glass to my mouth to taste the rub, it changed my experience. I could drink that on the regular. It was perfection.

The food finally came out, and we set to divide and conquer. When I go to events, I leave my pride at the door. I am going to eat. I took meat on my plate and my sister took everything else. The Mac And Cheese was on point. The tomatoes and mozzarella salad was clutch. The pulled pork fell onto my fork. The ribs though. The ribs with the dry rub from before was fantastic. It was dry, but salty that mixed with the rib that I didn't mind that I had it all over my face. I was enjoying every single bite. I am not one that likes my hands dirty, but I living for this moment. It was one of those meals that you eat and forget other people can see you. Oh the cornbread! It was fantastic. The thing that really stole my heart, and tummy were the potatoe skins with pork belly. I could eat that for a whole meal and not complain. It was the right balance of salt, smoke, and meat. The sauce on top tasted like a mayo that you would buy and then regret because you spent so much on mayo.

We spent a few hours there and then went into another car home. I was filled with booze, food, and good laughs. It was a good way to end a night. I was filled, but not uncomfortable. I am counting down the days until Thursday when it opens to the public.