
To Watch: Pale Waves

The first time I heard Pale Waves...I actually don't remember. That seems to happen to me a lot. Anyways, their sound stayed with me and I kept downloading more and more singles.

Although this band is pretty much if Urban Outfitters and Forever 21 became a band, I adore them. Their sad bops have something special about them. There isn't hidden deeper meaning. A sad song is a sad song, and you will like it.


Last night, I bought a last minute ticket to see them. They played for 45-60 minutes. That isn't a long show, but for a band that has only ten released songs it is a good time. Their stage presences was infectious. They sounded on point. Despite the sad moment of the crowd chanting "one more" and they honestly didn't have one more was an uncomfortable moment. That however did not outshine this talented young band.

Between sad song, and happy sounding sad song Pale Waves put on a good show. Heather (lead singer) Cure inspired dancing was something that identified with the crowd of teen girls, twenty year old males, and older audience members. When lyrics like "But in a few hours, I’ll be out of my mind" and "I'll give you my body, but am I sure that you want me" are so honest and true, you can't help, but love the black lipstick lips that sing them. I do wish they threw in one cover of a song because the set would've been a little longer. However, taking to social media platforms after the show I noticed the band came out to meet fans. I already left which I was sad about, but more impressed. They didn't hide or run to a van, but rather did a personal meet and greet.

Overall the show left me wanting more. Isn't that what all shows should make you feel? I am counting down the days till they release their next single "Eighteen" they played last night. Better yet, I am waiting for a full album and a longer show. And for personal reasons I am counting down till they are huge and I get to say "I saw them in a room with 90 other people."

Television Romance

Arcade Fire

I remember listening to Arcade Fire my freshmen year of high school. I never thought I would actually see them years and years later.

My friend texted me seeing if I wanted to go Sunday night. I had nothing else to do. I said "YEAH!" Our seats were in the nose-bleeds. I said, "No." After we tried to sneak into general admission and failed, we found our "these are our now" seats. We were fifth row.

This show was remarkable. The band entered the staduim show like they were entering a boxing ring. Matter of fact the stage was a boxing ring. It was awesome to see this square stage used like a circle. That means memembers would change spots so they were playing to each of their fans. The night was filled with dancing and singing. I left saying "I want to see them again."